My interests
Hello! My Name is Nadia Vásquez, I am from Santiago and I am studying Musical Intepretation, specializing in classical singing. My insterest are the music, theater and the arts in general but my favorite is the singing. Throughout my life I've sung popular and classical music, but when I finished the secundary I had to choose one of the two to study it professionally. Since I decided on the path of music I knew that I would have to leave the country to be able to emerge as a professional. I had a hard time assuming that I had to do it because I was terrified of being so far from my family, friends and my home, with the comforts that this implies. But now I know that this is really necessary and if I want to continue learning and earn money singing classical music I must go to Europe. I have in mind several countries to which I would like to go to continue learning and exercising my career, such as Germany, Russia, Spain, Italy and even Kazakhstan. Mayb...